Hawaii pics! (finally!)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I know everyone has been awaiting pics form this last Hawaii trip, specifically the engagement pics. Below are some of Lance & Johanna's wedding in Maui, and then the big even below that. (Chronological, yo.)
Lance & Tyson before the wedding

Me fixing Lance's jacket

Sneaky Lance & Tyson grabbing a quick pre-wedding shot. We thought they were getting the car...and we waited...and waited....and THAT is what they were doing. hahaha!

Me & Tyson at Lance & Johanna's wedding :)

A little post wedding smoochie

We went to Ruth's Chris for dinner after the wedding. Soooo good. Don't go there unless you can always go there....you will never look at steak the same! The ONLY time I have ever had a blue steak served HOT! How do they do that??

Waiting for brunch the next day...of course to pass the time we took pictures of our feet...

After brunch - posing for a few pics....

I said yes!!

And a kiss to seal the deal!


Baby guppies!

Monday, April 6, 2009

So Jerry (our yellow guppie) tortured Kramer (the orange one) to death....literally. Poor guy didn't stand a chance. Jerry is such a jerk.

So after flushing Kramer, the tank just didn't seem as much fun anymore...so we picked up a couple girl guppies. Susan & Elaine. We think Elaine must be pretty young, because she is so far getting away unscathed...so-to-speak.

However, Susan is a big fishie ho, and got herself knocked up right away. Last night while we were sleeping, she had her babies. Unfortunately, we didn't anticipate this soon enough, and woke up to babies in the main tank. The bummer part...we only managed to save 3 babies from becoming breakfast....seems their brothers & sisters were quite the feast last night. George looks like he just finished thanksgiving dinner, and is thoroughly uninterested in his regular food. Susan is doing fine, but she is still fat, and we are not completely sure she is done having babies....we are keeping an eye on her...just in case.

We ordered a bigger tank last week, and it's taking forever! Hopefully it's done soon so we can move everyone into a bigger home.