Maybe I do have something political to say

Friday, October 31, 2008

I usually keep most of my politics to myself...usually...sometimes I will comment on other people's opinions, but I'm not usually one to bring it up. I do have an opinion, and a pretty strong one at that....but I don't start the fire...usually.

However, in this election, I am afraid we are looking at 2 candidates that are after generally the same thing...MORE GOVERNMENT. So, after careful consideration all during the campaign process (and my guy dropping out of the race - Ron Paul was the ONLY hope for America) I have come to the decision that I am not voting for either of the main stream candidates.

Don't get me wrong, I am voting, mister! I will be at the polls with my fellow citizens, and I will be placing my vote. I will, however, be voting for a 3rd party candidate.

I thought it was funny earlier this week when I recieved a phone call from a political know those calls where they call you up at dinner time & ask a billion questions about who you are voting for & why....

So, this lady on the phone begins asking me questions about what props I am voting for, and who I want vote for for some local stuff, and then she asked about the presidential election:

Lady: are you going to vote for McCain or Obama?
Me: neither
Lady: so you are undecided?
Me: no, I have decided, I am not voting for either mainstream candidate, I am voting 3rd party in this election.
Lady: so you are not going to vote for president?
Me: no, I AM going to vote, I am voting 3rd party because I refuse to accept that we have to choose between 2 bad choices. I know who I am voting for. Are you interested in who that is?
Lady: I will put you down as undecided. Thanks for your time. *click*

How did she get undecided from what I said? Or is the system so full of its self that there is simply no room for candidates who dont fit into one of their 2 categories? Last I CA there are 5 choices for is me voting for one of the other 3 mean I am undecided?

THAT, my friends, is why we will NEVER get a decent Presidential candidate in this counrty. I was a little upset during the primaries when it came out that several states were not counting Ron Paul votes, but I didnt realize just HOW fixed this whole thing is until that call. Amazing. No wonder people don't vote. What is there really to vote ON? It's already decided for us.

I remember during the bail-out crisis...when Barbara Boxer (california senator) said ON THE NEWS that she had more calls, letters, and emails from constituents in her state than she had ever had on any issue ever before, but that she disagreed with what her Californians wanted, so she was going to vote FOR the bail out. Seriously?! She doesn't care what we want??? I thought our Senators represented US? I hope she finds herself unemployed soon...that is wrong on so many levels.

Still, if you don't vote, you can't complain, so I will place my vote on Nov. 4th with my fellow Californian's. I know that regardless of who I vote for, my state will be supporting Obama, but I think it's important that I vote for who I think is the BEST option, and not just what "they" want me to pick from....whoever "they" are.

Not very Halloweeny, this post, but definitely scary!

A fall weekend

Monday, October 27, 2008

Me / Black Jack (Craig) / Tyson
Black Jack MAY have been the best costume at the party! Although LJ's big bad wolf & Larry's ghostbuster were pretty awesome too!
We had a pretty good weekend. Friday night we attended Marla's "Best of Halloween" party. We were late putting together our costumes, so we just threw together stuff we already had. Tyson went as an army guy (wore my uncle's old army shirt, some green pants & a hat I picked up at Target) and I went as a witch....AGAIN. I have a very cool witch hat, and since I was at Target anyway, I picked up a black dress, and a black wig (blonde witches are not very convincing!) We had a good time. We caught up with some of my friends, and that was nice. Saw a few people I hadn't seen in a really long time.

Satruday we watched some HGTV and relaxed, and then went out to Rowland Heights to get Tyson a hair cut. It turned out great - as usual. Totally worth the drive, and on the way guessed it! BOILING CRAB! It was delicious of course, and they added clams to the menu...SO GOOD! Too bad crawfish are out of season, and they were frozen...oh well. the shabang was great regardless.

Last night we had our families over for pea soup & tri-tip. Mom made her famous funeral potatoes & Tyson's mom brought home made oatmeal cookies. So delicious! I am STILL full! I figured out how to get that good hammy flavor in the soup. I fried up bacon in the pan before sauteeing the onions & good! Then of course simmered the crap out of it with 2 ham hocks in there. It was a hit! Tyson is usually the cook, but soups are my domain. I'm learning how to make them better, and it's fun to be able to contrinute SOMEthing to the dinner.

Anyhow, a generally good weekend.

Looking forward to Halloween! :)

heeeere fishy fshy fishy

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So I was taking pictures of something else for our HOA (home owner's association), and I snapped a couple shots of our new fishes in their tank.

Last Saturday we picked up 2 male guppies (Kramer & Jerry - who may need to be re-named Newman as he is quite the little piggy fish!) And a bottom-feeder "George". All 3 fish are very silly and social. They are pretty entertaining.

First blog

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ok ok I am a little behind. Quite possibly the last person to get her own blog...but hey! I have had a myspace page forever....and then facebook...and then Plaxo...then Bebo....classmates...and the list goes on...and on....and on.....

How many web sites are we supposed to manage & maintain anyway?

Anyway, I don't really have a theme yet, and certainly no followers, but I set it up, and I feel pretty ok about that. One more way to waste time during my already too busy day.